Gohar Rasheed

Gohar Rasheed

From theater, to dramas, to films, Gohar Rasheed has found his place in the industry and undoubtedly one of the most bankable young actors we have. Rasheed was nominated for Best Actor in a Supporting Role for the movie Seedlings at 2012 New York Film Festival and at 1st ARY Film Awards in same category and was nominated as a Best Actor at 13th Lux Style Awards.

Gohar Rasheed
Gohar Rasheed

From theater, to dramas, to films, Gohar Rasheed has found his place in the industry and undoubtedly one of the most bankable young actors we have. Rasheed was nominated for Best Actor in a Supporting Role for the movie Seedlings at 2012 New York Film Festival and at 1st ARY Film Awards in same category and was nominated as a Best Actor at 13th Lux Style Awards.

About Me

Theresa Jordan

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