

Meera was born on 15th July 1976 in Lahore. She started acting in school plays in high school and went on to model for various commercial products while still in high school. Meera went to Lahore's Kinniard College and continued to act in school plays, however at this point her modelling career really took off as she appeared in ads for Pepsi and Lux while still in her mid-teens. She continued to model for various agencies in Lahore, Karachi and Islamabad and became one of the country's top supermodels. At this point, Meera was also approached by various directors in Lahore to sign on for roles in their movies. She signed with two directors including Samina Peerzada who was making her debut as a director in Inteha (1999). Peerzada signed Meera on as the lead in her directorial debut - and Meera was sensational. Inteha went on to become a bit hit and Meera was named the Best Actress of the year for her breakout performance. Since Inteha, Meera has worked in 14 projects, while at the same time, continuing with her modelling career.


Meera was born on 15th July 1976 in Lahore. She started acting in school plays in high school and went on to model for various commercial products while still in high school. Meera went to Lahore's Kinniard College and continued to act in school plays, however at this point her modelling career really took off as she appeared in ads for Pepsi and Lux while still in her mid-teens. She continued to model for various agencies in Lahore, Karachi and Islamabad and became one of the country's top supermodels. At this point, Meera was also approached by various directors in Lahore to sign on for roles in their movies. She signed with two directors including Samina Peerzada who was making her debut as a director in Inteha (1999). Peerzada signed Meera on as the lead in her directorial debut - and Meera was sensational. Inteha went on to become a bit hit and Meera was named the Best Actress of the year for her breakout performance. Since Inteha, Meera has worked in 14 projects, while at the same time, continuing with her modelling career.

About Me

Theresa Jordan

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